Studentivity LLC
An app helps students that have an executive function deficit, learn to manage their time better. This makes them become more independent and successful in school.
Role: UX/UI Designer, Prototyper, Gamification Design and Concept Art
User Screens and Flows
Gamification Concept Art
Onboarding Flow Chart
Participants: 50 students, parents, educators and specialists via Studentivity ICorps market interviews and Seattle Children's Research Institute (SCRI) structured interviews.
Surveys confirmed that there is demand for an Executive Function support intervention amongst parents students and educational specialists.
Survey results showed that the main issues with students where with time management, task management, motivation and self esteem.
Usability Testing
Participants: 16 ADHD students, Parents and educators Seattle Children's Research Institute (SCRI) structured testing
They almost unanimously agreed that the App interface was helpful and of use to students of their demographic and added features beyond their existing tools. Several key innovations including features of importing assignments from school Learning Management Systems, assisted planning and gamification were most cited as of interest by users.